Dried Artichoke Powder
Health benefits of artichoke:
Artichokes have many benefits, which have made them deservedly included in the list of the most beneficial foods in the world or the so-called superfoods.
So what are the benefits of artichokes?
1. Rich in antioxidants:
Artichoke is one of the types of vegetables rich in antioxidants, which, if consumed daily in sufficient quantities, help:
Delaying the appearance of signs of aging and aging.
Protection against diseases that accompany natural aging and aging, such as heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
It is worth noting that the antioxidant content of artichokes in particular exceeds that of many foods famous for their antioxidant content, such as:
asparagus, beets, onions, broccoli, garlic, and avocado.
2. Improve liver health:
Artichoke pulp is one of the main ingredients in nutritional supplements that are commonly used to cleanse the liver of toxins. Experts also recommend artichoke pulp extract or tea made from it to cleanse the kidneys of toxins and improve their overall function.
The benefits of artichoke here are due to its content of cynarin and chlorogenic acid, which are compounds that work to:
Protecting the liver and helping to treat its many problems.
Helping the kidneys purify the blood from toxins and waste.
The pulp of the artichoke is also a good source of potassium, which the body needs to reduce the chances of bloating or waste accumulation.
3. Beneficial for the digestive system:
If the previously mentioned benefits of artichoke are not enough reason to make you eat it, perhaps its amazing benefits for the digestive system may encourage you to eat it.